Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tusindvis af demonstranter strømmede ud i Grækenlands gader fredag d. 9. januar,

og beviste at ildebrænden fra decembers oprør ikke er gået ud, folk nægter at bukke under for skud eller vitriolsyre-angreb mod aktivister, der kæmper for deres lovlige rettigheder. Ved at give politiet ordren om frie hænder til at angribe alle, der kom

forbi dem, med kemikalier vold og arrestation, står det klart, at regeringens reaktion overfor de unge og arbejderne, endnu engang består i rå undertrykkelse,

Ca. 70 blev arresteret, blandt dem 14 advokater og 2 journalister, som

også fik slag. Medierne spreder den ideologiske terrorisme ved at

støtte regeringen med deres kald om nul tolerance over for


Når regeringens undertrykkelse, som fredag d. 9.1.09, går imod

arbejdere, journalister, fotografer og advokater, der bare står på den

modsatte side af gaden fra morderene (strisserne), er det endnu et klart

bevis på, at december måneds oprør også er en kamp for alle de mennesker,

hvis liv afhænger af månedslønen. Resultatet er, at nogle

af os, medieansatte og studerende, står side om side med folket i dette

oprør. Vi deltager aktivt, med vores daglige kamp på arbejdspladsen.

Vores primære mål er ikke at lade medie baronerne

servere nyhederne, efter forgod tbefindende; med deres propaganda vælger de

at vise billeder af 15 årige med slangebøsser, fremfor strisserne, der

står lidt længere nede af gaden og banker 15 årige. Vi kan ikke

acceptere fyringer som f.eks. den af Kostas Tsironis, en fotograf fra

avisen ''Eleftheros tupos'' (fri presse). Han blev fyret efter at have taget

et billede af en strisser, der ulovligt havde hævet sit håndvåben og

skudt i retning af en gruppe 15årige - kun 19 timer efter mordet af den

15årige Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Redaktionen ville begrave billedet,

og stolede ikke på, at det var ægte. Da fotografen protesterede, blev han fyret.

Medierne, regeringens talerør, vil gøre alt for at forhindre folk i

at strømme ud på gaden. Istedet overtales folk til at blive hjemme foran tv’et.

Det er noget vi ved med sikkerhed, fordi vi arbejder for

medierne og kender midlerne. Så længe vi holder mund, vil ''top dog''

journalisterne blive ved med at skræmme folk ved at presentere

demonstranterne som to forskellige grupper, de farlige og voldelige

''koukoulofori'' (hætteklædte) og de fredelige. Vi som arbejdede på

gaderne hele decemberoprøret igennem, ved at man ikke kan overleve 4.5 ton

kemikalier (som politiet spredte i løbet af 4 dage) uden at tage

masker og hætter på. De presser på for at hæve asylen på landets højere læreanstalter, den eneste beskyttelse de studenterne har overfor regeringens polititerror.

Vi står sammen med dem, der er aktive i oprøret, på baggrund af vores egne erfaringer

med udnyttelse på arbejdspladsen. I medieindustrien lever vi, som på alle

andre arbejdspladser, med konsekvenserne af midlertidige

ansættelser, sort (uden sygesikring) arbejde, ulønnet arbejde, ulønnet

overtid, lønninger pr. stykke (pr. artikel, pr. foto...) og andre

midler, cheferne tager i brug i deres udnyttelse af de ansatte. På grund af

den økonomiske krise, lever vi samtidig med trusler om massefyringer.

Som alle andre på arbejdsmarkedet oplever vi fagforeningernes svigt og dobbelmoral. Fagforeningen for journalister på Athens dagblade (ESIEA) blev oprettet

for at støtte journalisternes kamp for bedre vilkår. På grund af medieindustriens

spredning, hvad angår ansættelsesforhold og status, er ESIEA endt med at være en fagforening, der først og fremmest tjener chefernes interesser, blandt andet gennem forsøg på at splitte medieansattes og deres rettigheder fra resten af arbejdsmarkedet.

Da ESIEA nægtede at deltage i generalstrejken ons d.10.12.08, var

det et klart bevis på deres standpunkt.

Af alle disse grunde har vi, medarbejdere, ulønnede medarbejdere, nyligt

fyrede og mediestuderende taget intiativ til og besat ESIEA’s bygning

i solidaritet med et samfund i oprør.

- Fri information og modstand mod cheffernes (mediebaronernes) ideologiske propaganda

- Direkte og selvstyret demokratisk aktion mod mediernes agressive misinformation.

* I solidaritet med aktivist arbejder Konstantina Kuneva.

* Frigiv alle arresterede under decemberoprøret både i Grækenland og udlandet.

* Vi frygter ikke fyringer, bosserne bør frygte vores strejke.

Fra bygningen af ESIEA 10/01-2009
The workers will have the last word - not the media bosses

The thousands of protesters that filled the streets in Greece on Friday January 9th, proved that the fire of December wonʼt be put out, not by bullets and acid against activists, nor by the ideological terrorism spread by the media these last few days. Consequently, the Stateʼs only response to the youth and the workers was, once more, raw repression. Encouraged by the mediaʼs demands of zero tolerance, and by the orders of their bosses, the police were free to attack with chemicals, violence and arrests, against anyone who came their way.

When, as on January 9th, oppression by the State turns even against the workers, journalists, photographers and lawyers who stand in the streets against the side of the murderers, it becomes even clearer that the rebellion during the past month has put forward an issue of dignity for everyone whose survival depends on wage labor. As a result, some of us, media workers and students, stand beside the rebels. We do it actively: we participate in their fight as workers, and we join their fight with our own everyday battle in our places of work. Our main goal is to prevent the bosses from imposing their views about the events, an example of which is that a photographer, Kostas Tsironis, was fired by the daily newspaper “Eleftheros Typos” (“Free press”) because he took a picture of a cop raising his handgun a day after the 15-year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was murdered.

We donʼt fool ourselves about what the media, a crucial ideology apparatus of the State, will do to force the people to leave the streets and go home; theyʼll do everything, and we know it all too well, because, of course, we work in the media. We also recognize that the big-time journalists are only able to promote the abolition of university asylum and the idea of two different kinds of demonstrators (the violent “koukouloforoi” vs. the “peaceful” ones), as long as we remain silent.

Our place is with the rebels. One more reason for this is because we experience everyday exploitation in our workplaces too. In the media industry, like everywhere else, we have to deal with the consequences of precarious, unsecured or unpaid labour, by-piece working, overtime labor, and all the other forms of bossesʼ whims. Lately, under the threat of a coming economic crisis, we also experience intensification of layoffs, and of the fear of them.

Like all workers, we experience the hypocrisy and the betrayal of the syndicates. The Journalistsʼ Union of Athens (ESIEA) is an institution that turns against the workersʼ calls for resistance against the bosses, due to the crucial need to overcome any internal divisions and job fragmentation, in order to create a united trade union in the press. In their attempt to split the media workers from all the other workers, ESIEA is, in reality, a bossesʼ union and a basic support mechanism for them, as was testified by their refusal to take part in the general strike on Wednesday, December 10th 2008.

For all these reasons, as an initiative of wage workers, unpaid workers, recently-fired workers and students in the media, we have decided to occupy the ESIEA building, in order to voice all these things, in solidarity with a society in revolt:
- Free information, against the ideological propaganda of our bosses in the media
- Direct action, self-organized and democratic, by all media workers against the attacks waged against each and every one of us.

* Solidarity with militant worker Konstantina Kuneva
* Immediate release of everyone arrested during the rebellion
* We have no fear of getting fired; the bosses should fear our strikes

From the occupied building of ESIEA, 2009-01-10

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Attack on East Bay Police Station by anarchists Thursday Jan 8th, 2009 7:33 PM

smashy smashy
Last night at 3:00 a.m. we attacked the police station across the street from Ashby BART. All of its front windows were smashed out with bricks. If the pigs think they can keep getting away with murder; they’ve got another thing coming. May this small action help to fuel the fires of the uprising spawned by the most recent murder at the hands of the armed thugs of capital.

On January 1st, 22 year old Oscar Grant was executed by Officer Johannes Mehserle of the BART police in plain view of a number of people while he was laying face down on the ground with his hands behind his back and reportedly handcuffed. Had his death not been captured on film and viewed by millions of people, this would undoubtedly be covered up and justified like the countless others murdered by the pigs in this country every year. Unfortunately for officer Mehserle, this cold blooded execution inspired hundreds of people to fight back against the pigs and the fucked up system they attempt to protect.

We wanted to let everyone know how easy this was to pull off in case you find yourself walking the streets at night and need some ideas how to safely take file your complaint against the pigs. With gloved hands we grabbed some bricks from the neighborhood around the corner. We approached out of view of any cameras, as to not leave them with any identifying images. Pulling on our masks, we casually approached when no cars were driving by and spent a total of 15 seconds hurling the bricks through their thick plate glass windows. We quickly got off the main street and disappeared into the night. This communiqué was written so our attack would not go unreported and was originally posted from a public computer to a website that does not store IP information.

Smash things up in the night! Don’t get caught!

From Athens to the East Bay – the fire of rebellion is spreading.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

apo indy germanias

... one more youngster killed by the police, one more victim of the mercenaries of the state!!!
Following a police persecution, a youngster with 14 years old was shot in the head yesterday night in Falagueira, Amadora.

Situations like that happen in several slums called "problematic", more and more besieged by the police force, situation that reinforces poverty and segregation with more repression.

The mass media justify and reinforce constantly the police impunity, spreading almost only the police versions, doing themselves the role of the police. In this context, it´s absolutely normal that the police feel free to continue to kill.

Like in Greece - where the death of Alexis outburst a truly and general social insurrection -, in France - where the suburbs revolted against the death of two youngsters that runned away from the police - and in several others spots in the world where there are murders in uniform, only an answer to the height can end the state terrorism.

No police agression without an answer!!!

Solidarity Poster for Polykarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrisohoidis (greece)

did anyone speak of a
“…A handful of capitalists
have organized a criminal gang
and have kidnapped the proletarians,
demanding for ransom
their labor force,
merchandising their human activity,
their time (which is turned into money),
their own being itself…”
to vaggelis Chrisohoidis and Polykarpos Georgiadis
who the persecuting authorities, exactly because they denied to betray values and people,
accuse them as participators in the kidnapping of industrialist Milonas
anarchists from Serres from north-greece

Anarchists solidarity protest outside Korydallos prison, the main prison in Athens, at the time of the change of the year. This protest happens every New Year's Eve for the past six years. This year more than 400 people took part in the protest that interacted with the prisoners inside through shouting mutual slogans and fireworks. The main slogan was "The passion for freedom is stronger that your prisons".
Watch live streaming video from agitprop at

A society that punishes/the condition of incarceration/the prison of the mind/the prison as punishment/the rage of the damned will sound on the ruins of prisons/those denying obedience and misery of our era even within its hellholes/will dance together on the ruins of every last prison/with the flame of rebellion avenging whatever creates prisons.

To the prisoners struggle already counting one dead and thousands in hunger strike across greece, we stand in solidarity and anger until the destruction of every last prison.



Keny Arkana - La Rage English Subtitles

1976 - 2000 Greek Anarchists Fight for Freedom

(December Riots in Greece)