Saturday, September 25, 2010


 TODAY, Friday 24 September, around 2pm. a number of anarchists and sympathizers from various parts of the metropolis converged on the shopping centre in the middle of the busy intersection Elephant and Castle, south london chosen because of the thousands of people from Latin American countries living in the area. After dropping banners over the main entrance in solidarity with the Mapuche hunger strikers and the 14 anarchists arrested in Chile, they dispersed into and around the shopping centre and local market giving out hundreds of leaflets in English and Spanish.
Unnoticed by the State and private security who were too intent on defending the bosses' wares, the banners stayed in place for hours in full view of bus passengers from almost every country on the planet on their way to and from their places of exploitation.
Today's outing, chosen to coincide with the international solidarity date for our Chilean comrades, rather than being a fait accompli is a call to action everywhere, without delay.
random anarchists in london 

Chile: behind the media circus..

On 14th of august 2010, 14 anarchists were arrested in Santiago de Chile and accused of being involved in a series of bombing campaigns in the country over the past year. Statements have since been released by several groups claiming responsibility for the attacks while the arrestees themselves have denied any responsibility since the very beginning of this charade. The evidence presented against them by the prosecution could not be more ridiculous; from magazines and newspapers to common household items apparently intended for the manufacturing of “explosive devices”, anything is welcome to bolster paranoia. A few months earlier, on July12th, 34 prisoners on remand of the Mapuche indigenous group went (and still remain, after 74 days) on hunger strike in the Chilean prisons of Temuco, Valdivia, Angol and Concepcion. They are demanding the abolition of the Anti-terrorist law as well as an end to the military occupation of their lands located in the South of the country and subjected for years to an ongoing plundering by western corporations. The Mapuche people are characterised by a strong bond with their surrounding natural environment. Their ancestral relation with their land as well as the destruction of the latter by national and international capital’s eternal quest to extract more and more profit from it has motivated the Mapuche to develop an increasingly militant line of action.

While these issues have been subjected to a total information blackout by the mainstream media, both Chilean and international, the mining ‘accident’ that happened on August 6 at the San José copper mine in Copiapo, Chile resulting in 33 miners remaining trapped over 2,300 feet underground, has on the contrary enjoyed a great deal of media attention. Piñera, the recently elected Chilean president, is using the incident to clean the poor image of his government after a series of highly unpopular moves. His sluggish and elitist reaction to what happened following lasts summer’s earthquake along with his extreme conservative policies badly hitting the poorest social classes, had made his level of popularity drop dramatically. Hence the deployment of this “Big Brother” operation aimed at creating a false image of national unity. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid by the mass media to facts such as the workers not receiving their wages, their appalling working conditions and their message of support to the Mapuche cause. Instead, the journalists have focused on unimportant details such as how many bibles the miners got or the number of wives claiming benefits for each one of their trapped husbands.
For the average respectable and law-abiding British citizen, commonly ignorant of facts such as the UK’s involvement as one of the chief arms providers to Pinochet’s dictatorship back in the 80s, this subject might seem to fall into the category “none of my business”. However, silly as it might sound, he or she might be wiping their ass every day with paper manufactured from trees taken straight from the deforestation of Mapuche lands. Every penny we have in our pockets is made from copper, involving us directly in the condition of these miners in Chile and quite sure many other countries. The same goes for the chips in our laptops, our mobile phone... the list could go on for a while. London is a major economic centre, meaning that many triggers are pulled, a lot of blood is spilled so that capital can keep flowing into the city. It is the ‘counterterrorism law’ enacted in 1984 by Pinochet, which still allows Mapuche activists to be charged as ‘terrorist suspects’ and tried in military courts today.
Chile passes for a democratic country now. So maybe in your opinion everything is all right and no reasons should be left for protest or radical change. In the same line of thinking, all those Chilean anarchists might actually deserve whatever befalls them. The mistake is to think that any democratic country guarantees freedom, welfare and a fair life for everybody. Look around, look at yourself, can you really see that democratic paradise existing anywhere?
Even the most affluent democratic states like the UK keep their share of homeless, poor and beggars. A life devoted to the pursuit of a professional career soon reveals itself as an unsatisfactory senseless rat race driven by nothing but money and kept going in many cases by tonnes of anti-depressants. More and more families are struggling to make ends meet, while the vast majority of the population are granted the “freedom” of wasting their life tied to the chains of wage slavery. The same old story of exploitation and authoritarian abuse comes to the surface again and we find that under the auspices of our beloved democracy political power is exerted by a bunch of thieves known as professional politicians. They say we have the “power” and the “freedom” to elect them but this is starting to sound for an increasing amount of people like a bloody joke. What this fundamental lie hides is that we remain stripped of any power, whether personal or collective, to make decisions concerning our own lives.
On top of all this the “crisis” comes and as usual it is the poorest, whether the working or unemployed part of the population, who have to pay for the mess. At all times we are reminded how lazy we are and how little we do to increase productivity due to our lack of a “competitive” and market/business-oriented mind. Of course, it is always our fault; we are not perfect slaves yet, we still need a bit of a reminder so it’s time to cut this and that, it’s time to make things more and more difficult. Everything will be all right - unless of course, someone does not swallow these lies and tries to do something about it that does not follow the legally permitted (and therefore useless) ways of protest. Such is the case of the Chilean anarchists. Such is the case of the Mapuche people. Such would our case be if we were to confront the rules of our own democracy.
Immediate freedom
to the arrested anarchists!
Stop the plunder of
Mapuche land now!


Random anarchists


El 14 de septiembre de agosto del 2010 tuvo lugar por parte del estado y bajo la orden del fiscal Alejandro Pena la denominada “operación Salamadra”, un intento represivo que tiene por objetivo perseguir a los chilenos que luchan. Con invasiones en los locales sociales y en los centros ocupados y tras entrar en decenas de casas particulares de todo el país, detuvieron a 14 personas, varones y mujeres, que fueron conducidas al edificio policial de la región de Nunca. Al día siguiente se las llevaron al juzgado de Santiago acusadas de los mas de cien ataques de bombas producidos los últimos años en el territorio chileno. La manifestación que tuvo lugar fuera de los juzgados como muestra de solidaridad con los detenidos fue reprimida con violencia y con 40 arrestos de identificación. 

Con la ayuda de los medios de masa que crearon un clima culpatorio contra todos los detenidos y sin ninguna prueba concluyente en el juicio inmediato, se ordeno el encarcelamiento temporal de 8 de las 14 personas detenidas hasta tenga lugar el juicio definitivo. Las otras 6 retenidas fueron dejadas en libertad, prohibiéndoseles la salida del país, la comunicación entre ellos y con las que estan en preventiva. Tambien se les prohibio la comunicacion con los centros sociales y con locales ocupados que allano la policía y se les obliga a comparecer semanalmente en comisaría. Los varones fueron trasladados a las C.A.S. cárcel de máxima seguridad y las mujeres al Centro de Orientación femenina. Todxs se encuentran aisladxs. El lunes 6 de septiembre fueron detenidas otras 2 personas en el contexto del “caso bombas”. 

En las últimas décadas la careta democrática del estado chileno basandose en el pretexto de “desarrollo económico” ha destruido todos y cada uno de los derechos sociales (colectivos) y sindicales para vender una gran parte de la tierra a multinacionales como benetton y a grandes compañías madereras, de forraje y de explotación turista-hotelera en el sur del país, expulsando violentamente a los oriundos mapuches de sus por derecho, tierras ancestrales. Sus regiones empezaron a ser invadidas por grupos paramilitares de extrema derecha bajo las ordenes de ricos terratenientes que aterrorizan y asesinan a todos aquellos que organizan su resistencia contra los planes de los dominadores. Fuertes conflictos han tenido y tienen lugar y decenas de mapuches han sido arrestados y encarcelados por luchar contra la invasión policiaco-militar en sus territorios. El numero de mapuches que están pendientes de juicio se calcula es de 400, la mayoría de ellos sencillos campesinos que luchan por reconquistar sus tierras usurpadas por el estado chileno y que ahora se encuentran en manos de gigantes multinacionales (corporaciones) de la madera y la energía. 

Así desde el 2009 se ha puesto en marcha la conocida ley antiterrorista, que fue ratificada en el periodo de la dictadura militar de A. Pinochet con el fin de controlar los encarnizados ataques y agitaciones de la región norte del país, que es territorio salvaje habitado por los mapuches. La citada ley que busca triplicar las penas en los casos de materiales incendiarios y de ocupaciones de tierras, ha sido aplicada 16 veces en las ultimas décadas y la mayoría de la veces sobre mapuches. Desde el principio del verano del 2010, los prisioneros políticos mapuches que entraron en huelga de hambre fueron por orden judicial obligados al poco tiempo a ingerir forzosamente suministros de comida. Meses después, en septiembre, les siguieron presos mapuches menos de edad reclamando la libertad de todos y cada uno de los presos políticos y exigiendo el fin de las persecuciones.  

En cuanto las desigualdades sociales se acentuaron y los ricos fueron mas ricos y los pobres se empobrecieron mas, se intensificaron las luchas sociales en todo Chile y en cada manifestación se hicieron mas fuertes los enfrentamientos, mientras paralelamente las explosiones de bomba tenían como mira objetivos estatales e internacionales. En este contexto de agitación se llevo a cabo el “pogrom” contra compañeros anarquistas y libertarios, quienes sin pruebas reales, mas que su participacion en la lucha social, han sido acusados de causar conflictos y acciones-bomba. 

El comunicado del centro social autonomo y biblioteca libertaria Jony Cariqueo, y del centro social ocupado Vanzetti, La Crota, dice:  
“Somos el objetivo que han elegido para acallar la tragedia de los 33 mineros y de sus familias, victimas de la explotación que ejercen los poderosos y de la huelga que hacen los compañeros mapuches por defender la tierra que les pertenece”. “La maquinaria (conspiración) política y judicial es claramente la construcción de una organización terrorista ilegal en la cual hay jefes y son todos esquizofrénicos. Nosotros como antiautoritarios o anarquistas no creemos, ni acatamos jerarquías y menos aun ordenes. Eso que el fiscal Pena llamo la financiación del terrorismo, se llama solidaridad internacional. Eso que la policía llama “centro de poder” son lugares donde han sido creadas bibliotecas y desde los cuales se enfrenta la realidad cotidiana de la explotación y se lucha contra la sociedad del sin sentido. Allí se construyen relaciones humanas lejos de la lógica de la mercantilización que se basan en valores como la solidaridad, las relaciones horizontales, el apoyo reciproco y la autogestión”.  



Midnight attack with Molotov cocktails at riot squad


First registration: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 4:30

Attack! with about 10 coctails molotof!unleashed

unknown to 1:30 in the morning, when the riot squad.

A group  of Pepole threw Molotov cocktails at riot cops!

who were at the junction of Hippocrates and Navarino in

the area of Exarchia, Athens, and then gon!

Some unreported news from Bulgaria - Summer 2010

25 Септември 2010

03.06.2010 - Jewelry shop in Sofia was robbed by only one man. He made it not in the night but in a bright day. How can one guess it is so easy to rob a jewelry shop, lol ?

30.08.2010, Sofia - A roma man (gypsy) managed to hit a policeman with a brick.

Political party "Ataka" (Attack) is the biggest right-wing party in Bulgaria. It is in the bulgarian parliament and in european parliament too and a lot of its younger members are fascists. But there are some resistance against them as well.

28.08.2010 in city of Varna, an office of the party "Ataka" was robbed.

07.09.2010 in city of Burgas, a shop belonging to "Ataka" was set on fire.

But fascism and fascists are on high rise in Bulgaria. On 06.06.2010 fascists beat down some left activists. Some fascists were arrested but latter released and it looks they will not be send in court. Same fascists organized a demonstration against roma people. Others right-wing nuts and priests organized demonstration demanding christianity to return to class rooms. WTF ?! This is not Talibania, this is Bulgaria and religion should stay away from school.

18.09.2010 Fortunately there was a pro-roma protest too. After France deported some roma people back to Bulgaria, some people organized this protest - a lot of ethnic bulgarians supported roma people too.


Mapuche Solidarity - Direct Action in Vancouver

Mapuche Solidarity - Direct Action in Vancouver
Mapuche Solidarity - Direct Action in Vancouver
September 23rd, 2010
Early in the afternoon on September 23rd a small group of us here in Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory, responded to the call-out for international solidarity with the 34 Mapuche weichafes (warriors) in prison in Chile, who have been on hunger strike since July 12th and also with the 14 anarchist revolutionaries who have been in prison since the August 14th raids on squats and social centers in Santiago.
We taped the Mapuche flag and dumped red paint on the front door of the Chilean consulate's offices which is located on the 16th floor on 1185 West Georgia Street in Vancouver.
The Mapuche and anarchist comrades give us much inspiration in their determined struggle against the government and corporations of Chile. We hope that this small act reach the hearts of the resistance fighters and contribute to their will to persevere.
This struggle is international! We are with you.
Marichiweu (ten times we will win).
Coast Salish Territories
(Vancouver, Canada)

Friday, September 24, 2010

The court of appeals of the Thessaloniki 4 has been adjourned for January 14, 2011 This morning, the court of appeals of the Thessaloniki 4, the last remaining defendants of the 2003 EU summit demonstration, was adjourned for January 14, 2011. More information on the case and on solidarity initiatives will be published here in the build-up to the court of appeals in January.

This morning, the court of appeals of the Thessaloniki 4, the last remaining defendants of the 2003 EU summit demonstration, was adjourned for January 14, 2011. More information on the case and on solidarity initiatives will be published here in the build-up to the court of appeals in January.

Por qué Pinochet no está cómodo en su tumba

Comunicado de la red de contrainformación en solidaridad con todos los políticamente perseguidos por el régimen de Chile, para la concentración del 24 de septiembre en Atenas, fuera de la embajada de Chile, en el marco de la jornada internacional de solidaridad con los presos en Chile. El Estado de Chile en 2009 puso en marcha una gran operación de persecución, contra ocupantes e indígenas mapuche, con el fin de exterminarles. En ambos casos, en colaboración perfecta con la Justicia, el objetivo era el mismo. Cargos de terrorismo.
…el show “caso bombas”…
   A la madrugada del 15 de agosto tuvo lugar una redada policial, increíblemente extensa e impresionante, en varias ciudades de Chile. Fuerzas policiales irrumpieron en ocupas, centros sociales y casas, deteniendo a muchas personas y destruyendo lo que encontraban a su paso.
   El nuevo descubrimiento del Estado chileno se llama “caso bombas”. La nueva operación de la policía chilena estriba en la localización de la presa adecuada, con tal de acusarle de 23 atentados con uso de explosivos, ocurridos en la ciudad de Santiago. Siete luchadores anarquistas están encarcelados, sujetos a un aislamiento total en los calabozos de la democracia burguesa afrontados con cargos de delitos mayores, unas imputaciones falsificadas y testificaciones de “testigos” falsas.
   La Prensa del país, desde hace unos meses ha estado preparando el terreno de estas detenciones, apuntando a unas personas y movimientos concretos. No nos olvidamos del caso del escritor y músico anarquista vasco Asel Luzarraga, quien fue acusado a principios de 2009 de ser autor de varios atentados con explosivos, fue condenado a arresto domiciliario y finalmente fue expulsado del Estado chileno. Su única relación con todo lo susodicho era su solidaridad públicamente declarada con el pueblo mapuche, principalmente a través de textos de apoyo a su causa.
…y la historia no termina aquí…
   Lo que no lograron los Incas y los conquistadores españoles, lo han logrado el Estado chileno y la dictadura de Pinochet, digno continuador de la cual es la actual democracia burguesa. Represión, asesinatos, juicios con cargos falsificados, exclusión social, prohibición de uso de su propia lengua, destrucción de su organización social, etc. El pillaje de la tierra de los mapuche y su desplazamiento forzado de los territorios que poseen desde hace siglos, estriba en una estrategia más general del Estado de acabar con cualquier enemigo interno, para establecer  el “consenso nacional” y aplicar el modelo occidental de “desarrollo” sin roces internos. Un papel importante en esta “liquidación” han asumido los medios de desinformación masivos, tanto con publicaciones difamatorias, como ocultando el papel sucio del Estado, de las empresas multinacionales de madera y metalúrgicas, las cuales han usurpado sus territorios tradicionales y los están devastando, causando un daño irreversible al ambiente medio natural, o el papel de grupos paraestatales,  que reiteradas veces han atacado al pueblo mapuche, quemando territorios suyos. Un ejemplo característico del papel sucio de los medios de desinformación masivos constituye la ocultación del comunicado de solidaridad con el pueblo mapuche que editaron hace unos días los 33 mineros atrapados.
    El pueblo indígena de mapuche está reclamando lo evidente. La devolución de sus tierras y el respecto al derecho de la autodeterminación. Los mapuche constituyen un movimiento de liberación nacional, el concepto primordial del cual sobre el Estado está desprendido de la típica bipolar confección occidental Estado Nación, puesto que su cosmovisión es próxima a la existencia de la existencia de la nación sin la del Estado. Esta cosmovisión y tradición social del pueblo, próxima a la consideración libertaria, ha creado durante los últimos años unos lazos de apoyo mutuo entre el pueblo mapuche y el movimiento anarquista de Chile. No cabe duda de que los mapuche están siendo criminalizados, procesados y condenados por lo que creen y no por lo que actúan.
   Por más de 2 meses y medio, 35 presos mapuche están en huelga de hambre (casi todos condenados con la ley antiterrorista, que está aplicado a sus casos con una facilidad excesiva, aún en casos de protestas no violentas) reclamando el derecho evidente a la vida, a la conservación de su cultura, así como la suspensión de su persecución con la ley antiterrorista.

Stop the press! Pinochet is uncomfortable in his grave

Announcement of the Translation Counter-Information Network in solidarity with all the politically persecuted by the regime of Chile, for the concentration of the 24th of September, out of the Embassy of Chile, in the context of the international solidarity day with the political prisoners in Chile.

In 2009, the chilean state commenced an intensive campaign of persecution against squatters and Mapuche natives, aiming at their extinction. In perfect cooperation with the judicial system, the goal was the same in both cases: accusations of terrorism.
theBomb Casespectacle
Early in the morning of August 15 an incredibly extensive and spectacular police operation took place in various Chilean cities. Police forces invaded squats, social spaces and houses, arresting plenty of people and destroying everything in their way.
 This new device of the chilean state is named “Bomb Case”. The new operation of the chilean police intends to find a convenient victim to charge with the 23 bombings that occured in Santiago.
 Seven anarchist revolutionaries are imprisoned in the dungeons of the bourgeois democracy at a state of absolute exclusion, facing heavy charges, forged tirades and fake witness testimonies. The chilean press has been laying for months the foundations for certain arrests, by targeting certain spaces and people. Let’s not forget that in 2009  the Basque anarchist writer and musician Asel Luzzaraga who was accused of various bombings, was sentenced to house arrest and finally deported by the chilean state. His only involvement with the aforementioned bombings was his publicly expressed solidarity to the Mapuche people, mainly through texts.
 and thats not all
The chilean state and pinochet’s dictatorship (who have found a worthy successor in the face of the current bourgeois democracy) have accomplished everything that the inkas and the spanish conquistadors have failed at. Repression, murder, trials based on fabricated tirades, social seclusion, prohibition to use their language, destruction of their social structures etc.
 The draining of the Mapuche land and their displacement from grounds that they belong to, for centuries is embedded within a general framework of state strategies that aims at the eradication of every internal enemy in order to restore “national unity” and promote the application of the western “growth” paradigm free of all internal conflicts. The media have once again taken up an important role in this purge through slandering, concealing the role of their corrupted government, the multinational lumber and mining companies who have infringed the Mapuche native ground and are shamelessly preying on it, having as a result the irreversible destruction of the environment as well as the implicit action of mercenaries who have repeatedly attacked Mapuche grounds, burning occupied areas. The concealment of a text composed by 33 miners which pledged solidarity to the Mapuche people exemplifies the media’s filthy role.
 The indigenous Mapuche people claim the self-evident: recursion of their land and respect to their right of self-determination. The Mapuche constitute a national liberation movement founded on a national concept different to the classic western bipolar construction of the Nation-State, since their worldview is pertinent to the concept of a stateless nation. During the last few years, this – akin to libertarian views – notion, this worldview and the social tradition of the people have established a fixed link of mutual aid between the Mapuche and the Chilean anarchist movement. There is no doubt that the Mapuche have been criminalized, trialed and sentenced for their thoughts, not for their acts.
For more than two and a half months, 35 imprisoned Mapuche are on hunger strike (most of them sentenced according to the anti-terrorist act that is easily applied even in cases of non-violent protests) demanding the cease of persecutions based on the anti-terrorist act and their self-evident right to life and preservation of their culture.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mapuche hunger strike - 3 prisoners in very serious condition

Source: - September 21, 2010
About 30 minutes ago due to the severity of their condition Mapuche Political Prisoners 20 year old Víctor Hugo Queipul Millanao and 30 year old Huaikilaf Cadin were urgently transferred from prison in Angol to the hospital in Victoria. The prisoner Huenchullan Felipe, also on hunger strike, has been admitted to the same hospital.
Mapuche communication team.

Concerning the serious health condition of the Mapuche Political Prisoners in the jail of Angol.
The Autonomous Mapuche Temucuicui Community responsibly communicate the following to public opinion :

1 .- For the past few days the government of Sebastián Piñera has been playing with the lives of our Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike for 71 days and has deceived the public with a propagandised table of dialogue, which has no intention of responding to demands made by our brothers and supported by all the People of the Mapuche Nation. This is just a strategy for communication to the world to make it seem that the Right in power can control and manage social conflicts in Chile.
2 .- At this moment the Mapuche political prisoners are in very poor health. This racist and discriminatory government does not want to give a real solution to the demands posed by the hunger strikers. In all the prisons the bicentennial of Chile was celebrated with grilled empanadas and cuecas, while the hunger strike of our brothers continues without a glimpse of a solution or any credible and concrete dialogue giving assurance and certainty that the government and politicians will respect their word to listen to the demands of our imprisoned social fighters.
3 .- With these pictures we want to denounce the conditions of our brothers. Despite their delicate state of health, they maintain that the strike will not stop until their demands are taken into account by the Piñera government.
4 .- Our brothers Víctor Hugo Queipul Millanao, a member of our community and Waikilaf Cadin of the community of Juan Paillalef have just been transferred from Angol prison and hospitalized in very serious condition.
We call on all the organizations and the Mapuche communities not to fall for the dirty games and deception of this false dialogue table set up by Sebastián Piñera, and to come to Victoria hospital to try to visit our brothers that have been admitted there.
Comunidad Mapuche Autónoma TEMUCUICUI
WALL Mapuche, Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“Welcome to Europe”


This is the name of the organization which discovered and exposed the field with the mass graves of drowned refugees on the border of  Evros. There’s no meaning in numbers and statistics, any more. Important are the coherences and thoughts that the images bring to those who are yet not dehumanized. The image of a shoddy metal sign, riddled by gun-shots in front of a field with fresh popped pits. “Cemetery,” is indicated, “of illegal immigrants” …
We know, of course, that a daily war is going on across the border of Evros, and its victims [we talk about dead people] are always the refugees. But it’s even shocking to know that the dead refugees are dumped into pits in the fields. Contextually are coming to mind images in black and white of war and mass killings, pictures of holocaust, with bulldozers piled up in ditches piles of corpses. Is this an exaggeration? But yet … The proportions that make the association inevitable is tolerance, indifference and complicity of those societies which are responsible for massacre.
Exaggeration? What the hell… Let’s we all learn to listen and then everyone should take responsibility for the tolerance, the indifference, and the complicity. Each year hundreds or thousands of people are killed around the -so called “civilized” western world- Europe ‘s external and internal (sea ports, detention camps) borders. The mass slaughter is taking place at our next door, as corpses are washed up on beaches where the western tourists are having their holiday, on beaches where the greek fishermen are fishing. Tragically, this mass slaughter on the borders is only the last act of the drama for the refugees who escaped from countries that have been devastated by western colonization, the IMF, dictatorships and tyrannies – servile to western interests. From countries which lack rudimentary infrastructure for the reasons above, and on the first heavy rainstorm or on a usual earthquake are measuring carnage victims. From the countries ravaged by wars for oil, diamonds, by wars of the western capital, by wars with the participation of the greek state for the sake of the greek capital.
After all these, at least let us demand from this state to bury the people who were killed in its frond door – bury them like humans and not like dogs. As a society we also have to demand stopping the institutional reproduction of this humiliating designation “illegal” for those people who were lucky enough to survive and cross that door.
A banner outside athens politecniko university solidarity to comrades anarchists in chile from the circle of fire

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mapuches Reject Chilean Government Dialogue

SANTIAGO – Families of the roughly three-dozen jailed Mapuche Indian activists on hunger strike said Tuesday that they will not take part in a dialogue with the Chilean government.

The government’s initiative “does not have the goal of resolving the demands of the (hunger) strikers,” Mapuche spokesperson Natividad Llanquileo said outside a prison in the southern city of Concepcion, dismissing the planned talks as a “media show.”

President Sebastian Piñera announced the dialogue last Friday at a ceremony on the eve of Chile’s independence bicentennial.

Though the opening of talks on Indian grievances is one demand of the Mapuche hunger strikers, Piñera did not address more immediate concerns about the terms of their incarceration and prosecution.

“We have a debt to our original peoples, and particularly to the Mapuche people,” the president said, heralding “Plan Araucania” as package of economic and social measures aimed at improving the Mapuches’ quality of life and expanding opportunities for their economic development.

The talks are to take place at Ñielol mountain in the poor southern region of Araucania, heartland of the 650,000-strong Mapuche nation, which lost 95 percent of its land during a “pacification” campaign at the end of the 19th century.

In recent years, Mapuche militants have been torching vehicles, highway toll booths and lumber shipments as part of a campaign to reclaim ancestral lands from the agribusiness concerns and forest products companies that now control much of Araucania.

Successive governments in Santiago have responded mainly with repression, applying a draconian anti-terrorism law imposed during the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet.

The legislation allows the state to hold people for up to two years without charges, to restrict defense attorneys’ access to evidence and to use testimony from anonymous witnesses.

Chile’s government is currently holding 106 Mapuches – most of them still awaiting trial – for politically motivated crimes against property.

The Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike are demanding the scrapping of the anti-terror act and the “demilitarization” of Araucania.

“If there is a fatal outcome (to the hunger strike), the government of Chile will be the guilty party,” Llanquileo told Radio Bio Bio on Tuesday.

Both Llanquileo and Rodrigo Curipan, a member of the Mapuche parliament, ruled out taking part in this week’s talks at Ñielol mountain.

The conditions and agenda for the proposed dialogue “were imposed” by the government and have no bearing on resolving the prisoners’ hunger strike, opposition Sen. Jaime Quintana said.

“This is a monologue, comparable to a ceremony for the delivery of subsidies to the indigenous world,” he said. “But a dialogue table, it’s not.”

Speaking for the government, presidential chief of staff Cristian Larroulet said that while no one is excluded from the dialogue, the talks aimed at ending the hunger strike, mediated by Catholic Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati of Concepcion, are separate from the process at Ñielol mountain.

Internationally acclaimed novelist Isabel Allende, winner of Chile’s 2010 National Literature Prize, used the word “terrible” to describe the situation of the Mapuche hunger strikers.

“They could die, several of them are already on the edge of dying,” she told reporters after receiving the Bicentennial Medal from the Chilean Congress. EFE

Istanbul - Action in solidarity with Khimki Prisoners

On the night of 19th. September the embassy of the Russian Federation was attacked by a group of anarchists using the black color bombs.

The action which was made for solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, the two anarchists which were arrested because of their actions for defending the Khimki Forest, the flyers which were entitled as " Freedom for the Khimki Prisoners " were distributed.

After the action two activists were put under surveillance. After six hours of surveilance they were set free. The flyer which was distrubuted had a warnings for the Russian Goverment for releasing Alexei and Maxim.

The declaration of the action:

Освободим химкинских заложников!
(Free Khimki Prisonars)

The public had supported the demonstration which has been spontaneously realized by over 200 anti-facists and anarchists outside the town administration building, in defense of the Khimki Forest near the Moscow suburb of Khimki, which was at that time in the process of beings cutting down for the needs of big business. The authority had responsed to this demonstration with force and had arrested two well known social activists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov one day later.
We are here for the solidarity with all the prisoner comrades who have been arrested as they campaign for their life in earth which is coveted by industrial capitalism in all quarters of the planet. And we are warning the russian government on release Alexei and Maxim!
Release Alexei and Maxim!
Our solidarity is behind the nations and our most powerful weapon !

Свобода Алексей и Максим
(Free Aleksei and Maxim)

Source: InternationalAforum

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Argentina – Car arson attacks in Buenos Aires

translated from culmine

We took to the streets again to practice what we say with our words and think with our brains.
We feel the need to do so because, as we can see, a newspaper published an article in Villa Devoto about the burning of car in the barrio in which it speaks explicitly of the arrest of a person allegedly responsible for the attacks. For this reason we are making it known that what they are saying in this newspaper and / or the police themselves is just a lie, they probably have not caught anyone, or if they did, they got a person who has nothing to do with this. That is why yesterday, September 15, 2010, at the intersection Melincue Chivilcoy we set fire to a car around 23 hours. In addition, we claim responsibility for the burning of other cars before that.
As we always say, we are doing this to combat the destruction that society is causing to the earth, that is why we're not on its side and with these actions we are warning that we will continue to attack it to stop what it is doing to the world.
We know that they care little or nothing of what we say, but we won't get lost in chatter and writings, something that has already been done. Only the comrades will understand, while those subjected to this system are so locked into the routine of work they have "need" of machines. We try to live differently.
Amigxs de la Tierra
links of the press:
links della stampa:

One Palestinian killed and five others wounded in clash with Jewish settlers in Silwan neighbourhood.

East Jerusalem clash turns deadly

A Palestinian has been killed after a Jewish settlement guard opened fire at a group of men in an Arab neighbourhood of East Jerusalem.
Special series

The incident occurred after clashes broke out between Jewish settlers and a number of local Palestinians in the Silwan neighbourhood, Al Jazeera's Dan Nolan reported from Jerusalem.
Israeli policemen fired rubber-coated bullets and teargas at stone-throwing Palestinian protesters after the shooting, leaving several Palestinians wounded.
"Early this morning a private security guard drove in his car when the road was blocked with garbage. Cans and stones were throne at him from an upper level by tens of people," Mickey Rosenfeld, an Israeli police spokesman, said.
"The security guard pulled his gun and shot dead a 32 year-old local citizen. The man who was killed is known to the police. His body was taken for examination. The security guard was arrested. The investigation is still in process," he said.
Silwan, a crowded Arab neighbourhood of roughly 45,000 Arabs, is one of the most volatile areas of East Jerusalem, which Israel occupied in 1967 and later annexed in a move not recognised by the international community.

Sydney Anarchists

On Monday 20/9/2010 11 prisoners at the Immigrant Detention Centre at Villawood occupied the roof of the prison, with many more on hunger strike. One of the prisoners jumped off the roof committing suicide to protest their deportation. The others on the roof threatened to also jump by 5.00pm Tuesday unless their demands were met.

Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday 21/9/2010) a group occupied the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIC) and locked themselves inside. This action was undertaken with the direct purpose that it could affect the outcome of the protest taken by detainees at Villawood who were saying they would be forced to jump from the roof if no-one from DIC would speak to them regarding their cases. By occupying and refusing to leave the DIC office we intended to apply some more force upon these faceless officials to actually respond to the desperation of those occupying the roof.
The action was also taken because it had become clear that the militancy of those incarcerated within these detention centers was far outstripping that of anyone outside. We hoped to raise the level of solidarity with those inside beyond passively pleading to some higher authority to be 'more humane'.
After gaining entry and occupying, the group asserted they would not leave until things were sorted out on the roof at Villawood. All the while, we were in contact with those on the roof at Villawood, expressing our solidarity and finding out how they thought negotiations were going. By the time police rescue arrived to cut free those locked on at DIC it was becoming clear that there was a chance of a resolution out at Villawood that was at least satisfactory enough to make the detainees on the roof not jump off.
2 of the comrades inside DIC were arrested and held for a number of hours and charged with trespass. A number of people gathered outside the police station in solidarity where those arrested were being held, demanding their release. Due to further police provocation and harassment another comrade was arrested outside and charged with trespass. The 3 were released after 7 hours.
It is also worth pointing out there were 2 other equally significant actions undertaken in solidarity with those on the roof today. One involved a few hundred people heading out to Villawood so that they could be visible and heard by detainees in a strong and direct show of support. The other was the occupation of Newtown square by 30 or so people who hung banners and handed out flyers during peak hour.
In solidarity with all those incarcerated in prisons, detention centers or whatever name they are given we shout...

Responsibility claim for the arson of the turkish consultant in Thessaloniki

When the enemy marches on, I retreat.
When the enemy camps, I bother him.
When the enemy is worn out, I hammer him.
When the enemy retreats, I chase him”
mao zedong

In the early hours of saturday 18/9, we attacked with loads of molotovs and an incendiary device to the police guard box of the turkish consultant and two parked police cars (one of the special forces and one white undercover citroen). We chose to act as guerillas setting ourselves the time and place of our attack, targeting to surprise them, make them run away and destroy their vehicles, as it happened.
The conditions change and transform, so we evolve and realise that the ground of fixed dates (Thessaloniki International Expo) does not favour conflict, this is why from now on we will attack on our own terms.
You pigs were happy the weekend of the T.I.E., at your cop party, one week later though came the flaming answer and the feet reached the legs.
Our attack was only one example of what will happen this year...
While you drink your coffee guarding high targets, we move with a fast pace and map out your every move.
It has been said by others before us, either you will change your job or you will meet rocks and fire at every corner.



P.S. Targeted as our enemies are also all those who re enforce the oppressive work of the police.

Commando of Night time Confusion

Simon Chapman and 3 other defendants to again face the Greek Courts
Statement of the London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group - September 19th, 2010 version

The solidarity group was formed in 2003 soon after the arrests at the EU summit demonstrations in Thessaloniki.

The entire basis of the arrests in 2003, was and still remains, an arbitrary attack upon the demonstrations, where culpability was placed upon those that the Greek authorities sought to make examples of. From the beginning of the process of detention it was clear that evidence of guilt would not even be based upon recognition of legal facts or evidence but by association. In Thessaloniki during those days everyone was guilty, and for the Greek authorities, it was merely the case of charging those either unfortunate to be detained ( then beaten and tortured ) many of which coming from outside of Greece. The 7 which were detained, know as the Thessaloniki 7, consisted of 3 Greeks ( 2 of which were teenagers ), 2 Spanish, 1 Syrian and 1 British. In response to their continued incarceration, a hunger strike began in early September 2003, lasting 56 days and finally leading to the release of all 7 prisoners for humanitarian reasons. The embarrassment of negative publicity, along with the many solidarity demonstrations and actions throughout greece and the world, forced the hand of the Greek state in averting a greater problem of creating martyrs for a burgeoning movement. After the successful release and dropping of bail conditions for the 7, rumours of a re-emergence of the trials again began circulating. This time in late 2007 the initial confirmation for the start of a trial being 8th January 2008.

For this story continues. Simon Chapman from London, UK was found guilty of the following charges in 2008

• Culpable of repeated explosion from which there could result common danger for a human being
• Repeated construction of explosive bombs
• Possession of explosive bombs
• Distinguished riot/rebellion
• Distinguished cases of damages in confluence

He was then sentenced to 8 1/2 years in prison in his absence, with others receiving 5 years, most either being found not guilty or guilty of lesser non-imprisonable charges. Since 2008 the trial has left a legacy with 5 outstanding appeals to the conviction and inflated prison sentences. These appeals - now reduced to 4 defendants after the outcome of an earlier appeal hearing of one of the defendants - again sees 3 of the 5 hunger strikers of 2003 appear in court including Simon Chapman.

At this stage, with just under a week left before the beginning of the trial (the trial begins on September 24th in Thessaloniki ) , the fact remains, that what we are fighting now is the same process of repression that we fought successfully in 2003. In Simon's case especially, documented video and photo evidence clearly shows MAT riot police plant molotov cocktails in black bags and strap them to his body. Simon has maintained, and which photographic evidence illustrate, that he was carrying a light blue rack sack with nothing more than water bottles. This blatant attempt to artificial manufacture culpability remains a reflection of the nature of these trials.

We therefore express our solidarity to the 4 defendants facing the courts and prosecutors of the Greek state, and reaffirm our commitment to fight in solidarity with them.

Our commitment for the freedom of the Thessaloniki 4!

Solidarity and dignity against repression!

London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group - September 19th, 2010

For Contact Please email us at:

We will be using UK indymedia to post updates during the next few days
London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group
- e-mail:

Anti-Police Prisoner Paul French Needs Letters and Money

As many of you know, on April 8th, 2010, an anti-police demonstration took place in Olympia, WA. Over 50 people marched through the streets as a part of the West Coast Days of Action Against Police Violence. 29 arrests were made. Police came in with pepperballs, batons, etc. to disperse a march -- you know the drill.One of those arrests was Paul French who was convicted of felony assault of an officer. Paul got several months and is in dire need of commisary. He is currently in debt to the prison for medical expenses and unable to buy anything from commisary (not even a toothbrush). To write to him, please write:
Paul Joseph French
C/O Thurston County Corrections
2000 Lakeridge Drive SW
Olympia, WA 98502
As with writing other prisoners, remember that what you say can hurt them. Don't send in anything aside from paper and don't write anything that could hurt them (don't discuss their case!).
If you would like to donate money, you can send him a postal money order in the amount of your choice. Folks in Olympia are hard at work trying to raise over a thousand dollars to pay for his expenses so please chip in.
Support our political prisoners!
Somebody in Olympia
If you're interested in supporting other political prisoners, see (This prisoner is not supported by the ABCF, just a handy link)

Arrests, Violence and one small Victory - Weekend demonstrations during Yom Kippur in the West Bank

Al Ma'asara
Some thirty Palestinian, Israeli and international activists gathered this week in Ma'asara to protest against the Apartheid Wall. The small procession passed through the village, and was met by a gang of soldiers and border policemen at its outskirts. The soldiers declared the area was a closed military zone, and allowed the demonstrators a minute to leave.
One of the demonstrators started giving a speech about the anniversary to the Sabra and Shatila massacre, and the soldiers reacted by throwing stun grenades at people's feet. Two minutes later they started throwing tear gas as well. Demonstrators took a step back, then returned forward, and were met with more violence. Demonstrators put their hands up in the air, calling soldiers not to shoot at the non-violent demonstration, and to use the Jewish holiday of repentance to rethink their actions. This repeated itself for some twenty minutes, until the soldiers suddenly left. Demonstrators celebrated their small victory, and the demonstration was over

Mass breakout of asylum-seekers in Australia

It has been reported that 60-70 Afghani men have escaped from the refugee and asylum- seekers' detention centre in Darwin today, Wed 1st September. The men, the majority of whom are asylum-seekers whose request for refugee status has been declined, are holding a 'sit in' alongside the Stuart Highway, with banners that read "Please help us", "Show us mercy", and "We are homeless, defenseless and we seek protection".
Some of the men have informed the media that if they return to Afghanistan they will be killed. "If I go back, they will cut off my head," said Kazemi Syed Zulfiger.
The peaceful protest comes just days after 100 accused people smugglers rioted in the centre, lighting fires and smashing windows. Ian Rintoul, from the Refugee Action Coalition, explains that the rioters are impoverished fishermen who have been manipulated by criminal gangs and should simply be sent home.

The Boycott of Chilean Fruit & Wine For the Freedom of the Mapuche Political Prisoners

Mapuche Political Prisoners on 60+ day Hunger Strike during Chilean Bicentenary (September 18th)

Boycott Chilean Fruit and Wine
Boycott Chilean Fruit and Wine

34 Indigenous Mapuche Political Prisoners have undertaken an INDEFINITE hunger strike. Starting July 12th 2010 in various jails throughout so-called southern "Chile" including Concepcion, Lebu, Angol, Temuco, and Valdivia in order to demand their Rights as a Sovereign Indigenous Nations.
This during the Year of Chile's BICENTENARY: September 18th, 2010. Representing the Ongoing Genocide of Our People.
Do Your Part!
The History of the Mapuche Nation
The indigenous Mapuche People (meaning people of the earth) have resided for millennia as a nation in what is today known as southern Chile. In 1641, after years of war with the Spanish colonizers, the Mapuche Nation signed the Treaty of Quilin with Spanish Crown, on a nation to nation basis, recognizing Mapuche sovereign territory south of the Bio-Bio River. The Mapuche were one of the only indigenous nations in South America to ever sign a treaty with the Spanish Crown.
However in 1810, after the independence of the Chilean colonies, a process of expansion begins on the part of the newly conformed Chilean State, beginning with the annexation of Mapuche territory in the 1818 Constitution by usurping colonial Chilean founder Bernardo O’Higgins. From 1860 onwards to the late 19th Century, a brutal military occupation of Mapuche territory (also known as Arauco to the Spanish) was carried out by the Chilean State known as the “Pacification War” (Guerra de la Pacificacion), where hundreds of Mapuche people were killed, displaced, and were reduced to less than 5% of their original territory. Most of the surrounding land was illegally auctioned to a few private individuals or settlers, establishing large landed agricultural estates, which up to this day encompass most traditional Mapuche territory.
During the Pinochet military coup (1973 – 1990), further encroachment of Mapuche territory is carried out through the privatization and auction of public lands to private corporations making up the export-based pulp and paper industry. These includes the establishment of Cellulose Plants, or paper mills, and Forestry corporations such as Mininco Inc., Arauco Forestry Inc., among others; using environmentally harmful practices such as the complete removal of indigenous species of tress and plants with exotic pine tree plantations, which are then logged for export.
Since the reestablishment of “democracy” in 1990, the neo-liberal policies of privatization have continued intensifying the encroachment of Mapuche territory, sparking the mobilization of Mapuche communities, which have been severely repressed by the State and its official branches. Mobilization of the communities in conflict, most notably the founding of the Coordinadora de Communidades en Conflicto Arauco Malleco organization (translated as the Arauco Malleco Coordinating Committee otherwise known as CAM) has resulted in extreme repression on behalf of the Chilean State. This repression can seen in that the Chilean State not only allows for private estate owners and corporations to continually encroach on Mapuche lands, but also by the use of the Pinochet era Anti-terrorist law, the constant harassment and incarceration of Mapuche organizers, and most tragically, the shooting deaths of two Mapuche youth, 17 year-old Alex Lemun Saavedra in 2002, and 22 year old Matias Catrileo Quezada in 2008 by Chilean police officers.
Why Boycott Chilean Fruit & Wine?
Since the Chilean government has focused on neo-liberal policy, such as the promotion of the Fruit Staples and Wine for development and expansion, the industry directly affects the Chilean State’s strategic economic and territorial interests in Mapuche territory, as it opens the doors for further trade of other commodities with different countries such as the paper and pulp industry.
That is why this ongoing boycott is directed to the “owners” of Chile (the rich) who together with the government exclusively profit from free trade, and are the political ideologists behind the murder and repression of the Mapuche People.
Chile 2010: No Bicentenary on Stolen Land!
The Women’s Coordinating Committee For a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]
For More Information, Email:

Eco-activists protecting Khimki Forest taken to the court

21 September,
On September 23, a Moscow city court is to consider legal action by the company contracted to build a highway through the Khimki Forest against the citizens that took part in the protection actions, Interfax reports.

Legal action has been brought against 11 individuals, including Evgenia Chirikova, the leader of the Movement for the Protection of Khimki Forest. The company is seeking damages to the sum of almost 8 million rubles (over US$250 000) for impeding machinery access to the construction site.

Big anti-Israeli demonstration in Paris

Up to 25,000 marchers hit the streets of Paris to demonstrate against Israel’s actions. Organisers said it was to show solidarity with the Palestinian people, accusing the international community of hypocrisy. A few hundred protestors broke away from the main march and tried to approach the Israeli embassy, but were held back by banks of riot police.

Solidarity Poster for Polykarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrisohoidis (greece)

did anyone speak of a
“…A handful of capitalists
have organized a criminal gang
and have kidnapped the proletarians,
demanding for ransom
their labor force,
merchandising their human activity,
their time (which is turned into money),
their own being itself…”
to vaggelis Chrisohoidis and Polykarpos Georgiadis
who the persecuting authorities, exactly because they denied to betray values and people,
accuse them as participators in the kidnapping of industrialist Milonas
anarchists from Serres from north-greece

Anarchists solidarity protest outside Korydallos prison, the main prison in Athens, at the time of the change of the year. This protest happens every New Year's Eve for the past six years. This year more than 400 people took part in the protest that interacted with the prisoners inside through shouting mutual slogans and fireworks. The main slogan was "The passion for freedom is stronger that your prisons".
Watch live streaming video from agitprop at

A society that punishes/the condition of incarceration/the prison of the mind/the prison as punishment/the rage of the damned will sound on the ruins of prisons/those denying obedience and misery of our era even within its hellholes/will dance together on the ruins of every last prison/with the flame of rebellion avenging whatever creates prisons.

To the prisoners struggle already counting one dead and thousands in hunger strike across greece, we stand in solidarity and anger until the destruction of every last prison.



Keny Arkana - La Rage English Subtitles

1976 - 2000 Greek Anarchists Fight for Freedom

(December Riots in Greece)