BelaPAN reports, Ihar Bahachak, Valeriya Khotina, Siarhei Slyusar, Nikalai Dzyadok, Alyaksei Zhinherousky and Alyaksandr Frantskevich were detained on September, 3 about 6 a.m. by the officers of law enforcement agencies and are still under arrest in the detention center in Akrestin Street in Minsk. The detainees are interrogated on the subject of their involvement in the incident near the RF Embassy in Minsk, at the territory of which Molotov cocktails were pelted.
The agency reports, the young people were jointly renting a flat in one of the Minsk districts. Early in the morning the door bell rang in their flat and one of the young men opened the door. Law enforcement officers in civilian clothes burst into the flat and transported young men who were there to GUBOP Interior Ministry of Belarus for interrogation. The flat was searched; five computers, two laptops, mobile phones, money, posters and magazines were confiscated.
Maximal detention term without arraignment makes up 72 hours in Belarus. The prosecutor may prolong this term up to 10 days.
Law enforcement agencies do not comment the situation still.
The incident near the Russian diplomatic mission in Minsk took place in the evening on August, 30. At 22.20 the officers of Safety Department of Interior Ministry disclosed a burning service vehicle Mazda-3 while their walking around the territory of the embassy. At the place of the incident a glass bottle with the capacity of 0,33 liter with the remaining of combustible mixture and fragments of a broken glass bottle with the remaining of the fuse. The crime case according to article “Hooliganism” has been initiated on the fact of the incident.
On September, 2 internet resources and allocated a statement, which said that anarchists take upon themselves the responsibility for the attack of Russian Embassy in Minsk that took place in the evening on August, 30. “By this action we express our anger and protest against arrests of social activists who stood up for Khimki Forest in Moscow”, — the statement noted.
The statement was disproved by Russian activists, who stand up for Khimki Forest. They called it a provocation.
Assailants attack Russian embassy in Minsk with fire bombs

Assailants attack Russian embassy in Minsk with fire bombs
08:54 31/08/2010
© Photo Website of the Russian Embassy in Belarus
Unknown assailants attacked the Russian Embassy in the Belarusian capital of Minsk with fire bombs late on Monday, a local emergencies spokesman said.
"At around 10:50 p.m. local time (19:50 GMT), two fire bombs were thrown onto the territory of the Russian Embassy," the spokesman said. "One of them hit a car parked on the premises."
There were no casualties, he added.
Responsibility for the recent attack on the Russian embassy, caused a stir in the press, claimed a group of Belarusian anarchists. Quote the statement posted on the website of Indymedia: In the evening on August 30 a group of anarchists was conducted attack with Molotov cocktails at Russian embassy in Minsk. Was damaged one of the official cars. By this action, we express our anger and protest against the arrests and repression against social activists, who defended forests Khimki Moscow. Our friends are beaten by mercenaries from among the fascists, riot police chases and screws all in a row, threats, detentions and arrests have become the norm.Our friends are forced to endure the hardships in the dungeons and live in fear of being planted, because it stood for truth, for the people, for the right to a normal environment. But bureaucrats and capitalists concerned only kickbacks and profits, they do not care what will happen tomorrow and they are ready to virulent measures to suppress any protest, any dissatisfaction. What's next, death squads? We stand in solidarity with our comrades, and support only direct methods of struggle, because they are afraid only of force on the rest of them do not care. It's funny to read reviews and discussions about the campaign on Internet forums.We are equally repugnant to all the mafia clans under the names "the rulers of Belarus" and "the rulers of Russia." A simple working people of both countries does not shine anything good from this political bickering for power, should not behave like this mendacious politicians. People, wake up! Can not do without conspiracy theories to justify any act of protest and discontent? Every day we see theft and lawlessness, but around only downcast glances and timid kitchen conversations.It's time to gather their strength and to believe that we deserve a better life. Freedom for all prisoners! No political repression! Down with the officials, gangsters and cops! Human rights and social justice!
"At around 10:50 p.m. local time (19:50 GMT), two fire bombs were thrown onto the territory of the Russian Embassy," the spokesman said. "One of them hit a car parked on the premises."
There were no casualties, he added.
The Russian Embassy in Minsk attacked anarchists
Thu, 02/09/2010 - 21:19 — editor
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