After Friday, when Vangelis Pallis was found in his cell in TRIKALA jail, with his neck cut from a piece of glass, he is still hospitalized, unable to communicate yet.
On Sunday, in Grevena jail, a riot started because Sophocles Nigdelis was self-injured in an action of solidarity to Vaggelis Palis, as they used to be in the same cell for many years.
Sophocles Nigdelis wrote a letter where among others he says that Vangelis Pallis is in a critical condition but stable. here is the letter:
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sofoklis Nigdelis, roommate of Vaggelis Pallis for many years, answers to the monstrosity of the regimes information from the greek prison.
Sofoklis Nigdelis, roommate of Vaggelis Pallis for many years, answers to the monstrosity of the regimes informationThe situation of the great fighter Vaggelis Pallis remains crucial but steady.
As for the slaves of the system that have as a profession journalism, I have a message for some of them:
Fascists and servants of the rotten state mechanism that you recycle and like goats re-chew false and forged news, stop the unofficial, unconfirmed, provocative announcements that you put out against Vaggelis Pallis, because don't forget that human-wolves are hungry and one morning while your going to work, which is no other than to promote imaginary stories to fit the mold of your snitching boss.. than a wolf will jump on you and will start eating you starting from the tongue. You the specific snitches remember that wolves are always hungry.
My warm hello to your colleague Sokratis Giolias and his family.
Solidarity and comrade collectiveness are some of our destructive weapons.
Regards and strength to the comrades in solidarity of Vaggelis Pallis, inside and outside the walls.
Sofoklis Nigdelis
Grevena prisons.
There is a demonstration call from meny groups of pepole and anarchist on Saturday 4 september outside the hospital where Vaggelis Palis is in Trikala.
vaggelis pallis is in jail couse he accused that he murder 2 persons as he was executing a ” death contract” .
as I wrote before Vangelis Pallis has many times in the past participated in riots inside the jail as he was fighting againts the contitions in the greek jails .
sam information for our friend Pallis:
Prison militant Vaggelis Palis at Larissa court (Greece)
On 16 / 3 /2009, Vaggelis Palis, long time prison rebel, was presented in front of the court in Larissa, known for its conservative and hard convictions (still quite a lot of the prisoners of the December insurrection are being kept there, a lot of them minors, 15, 16 years old, under the anti terrorist law, and facing a possible 20/25 years…). He is accused of participation in a prison revolt in 2006, for destruction, riot and attempted outbreak/escape.
A group of about 80 people gathered outside the court in solidarity, with banners, sticks (with flags i believe?) and a lot of hard and confronting slogans. A big convoy of MAT (Greek riot police) was awaiting the group on the other side of the street. At the end of the day, the group decided to make a small demonstration, through the shopping street around the court, and came back on the other side of the building. This made the cops a bit more nervous, and once back at the initiated point, they attacked quite unexpected and mostly relentless. Immediately 4 people were arrested and heavily beaten. The rest was chased to the square behind; in front of the university. There for some time the cops shot (a sickening amount of) gas (not the type that makes you cry, but the type that makes your skin burn like hell, and that makes you throw up and choke), and the anarchists hid, then attacked with all the stones, tables, chairs, ashtrays to find, back and forth.
Eventually half of the group hid inside the university, the other half was chased down the city for some time and managed to hide later in another university building. The cops had surrounded the first building and threatened to break the asylum and arrest everyone inside. In the meantime they were still arresting people on the streets; the number of arrestees increasing to 9.
Because of the poilitical situation at the moment, as well as the Dean of the uni did not allow the arrest, everybody came out, about 3/4 hours later, and returned home, bruised, burnt, swollen casted and stitched.
Vaggelis Palis got 3 years extra imprisonment that day, on top of the already 16 years he had. The man is in his 50’s and promised the judge once, as an answer to the question if he plead guilty to the charges of another prison revolt, that he would make sure that he would set fire to all prisons he would enter, he would destroy every bit of it and try to escape from all of them, until there are none left.
He has nothing to lose, after tens of years behind bars and with an ever increasing amount of years likewise in the future, but a lot to gain: the air.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 1st, 2009 at 2:24 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.
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