Soon the revolutionary violence will encompass broader sections of society as the fightback against the weak Coalition government gathers pace. These initial clashes will pale in comparison to the coming social struggle which will make serious attacks on the British establishment, the Rich, and their way of life. The barriers between those in struggle are coming down, our violent resistance finds new accomplices ready to attack the conditions in their life which make them miserable: State & Capital.
Cops, prisons, politicians, bosses, work, nationalism, dead-time : All must go – Ignite the peripheries of conflict and widen the struggle into new areas.
Decades of racist and brutal policing against the young people of the UK will spread a far-reaching fury burning with a new intensity, spreading through the generations, fueled by the anti-political sensibilities of a new generation of radicals who will not regurgitate the recuperative lies and deceit of the social activists or the political Left, and who will seek to attack directly the class enemy, organising themselves as they see fit.
For future attacks against capitalism, monarchy and the state – For social insurrection.
Solidarity with all imprisoned fighters everywhere.

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